Why Storytelling is So Important for Your Brand

Stories around the campfire have always bonded people, enhanced loyalty, encouraged communication and acted as an essential channel for sharing history and current events. For today’s marketers, consumers in the global village still gather and exchange...

How eBay and Amazon Could Help Improve Your Site’s Rankings

As Google continues to alter its mighty search algorithms to better push targeted and relevant content to the forefront of their search results, savvy web marketers must change their tactics to keep up in the rankings. The search highway is littered with techniques of...

Develop a Better Web Design to Lower Bounce Rate

The bounce rate of your website is the number of visitors who never make it beyond the first page of content and navigate away quickly. A high bounce rate means that your website is falling short of engaging visitors to the degree needed to hold their attention or...

How to Optimize Your Site for Local Search

If you’re a small business, and even if you’re a large business looking to pinpoint target audiences, local SEO is a major factor contributing to your site’s success. Optimizing your website for local searches, as opposed to broader SEO terms in...

Search Marketing is More Than a Number

Since its invention, Search Engine Marketing (or SEM) has become a vital part of the advertising world. Used by companies and businesses to direct people towards their website, SEM can easily reach more people than any billboard, flyer, or commercial ever would. It...
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